The Garden of the Soul

This book is "A Manual of Spiritual Exercises in which are included many devotions of recent practice and approved by The Church". Filled with prayers, devotions, definitions and explanations of many aspects of the life of The Church. See the table of contents for more details.
Author: Anonymous. 384pgs

Our Lady in the Liturgy_BARRETT
Considerations on certain Feasts of the Mother of God

This author presents a number of Feast Days of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary with an informative and interesting background of each feast. This is followed by the history of the special Mass and Divine Office associated with the Feast Day, as well as details from both. If you are interested in the Liturgy, The Office, the Calendar of The Blessed Virgin Mary, you should find this book helpful and enjoyable. Author: Dom Michael Barrett, O.S.B 237pgs

St. Joseph's Manual_FITTON

Containing a selection of prayers for public and private devotion; with Epistles and Gospels for Sundays and Holydays

This manual contains information on lots of different topics, not just Saint Joseph, so be aware of this if you are seeking information and prayers linked to Saint Joseph. This book does contain an amazing amount of material within its 830 pages including countless prayers for all occasions, the readings for every Sunday of the year, expositions on The Catholic Church and its teachings, etc. There does not seem to be a table of contents but there is an index at the end. A Treasury of Catholic knowledge.
Author: Rev. James Fitton 830pgs
