Hermit by the River

There was a hermit who lived near a river. His pious life was very simple. In addition to his prayerful routine, the kind hermit made a point of helping any traveler that needed to cross the river.

Then, one day, the thought came to him that he was wasting his time. He started to wonder if, in order to make real spiritual progress, he should be doing more with his life. Suddenly his prayers and practices seemed too simple and basic. Eager to improve the state of his soul, the hermit threw himself into practicing severe fasts and penances.

But… after only a few weeks, he found himself ragged and without energy. Discouraged, and wondering what to do, the hermit was touched by a gentle but firm inspiration…

What matters is not how austere or extraordinary our sacrifices are … but that we are doing what God is asking of us.

Slowly, the hermit realized that God had already led him to what he was meant to do with his life: simply, to pray and charitably help his neighbor. Trying to add intense sacrifices was only getting in the way, making it harder for him to do what God really wanted.

So, acting on this inspiration, the good-willed hermit turned aside from his harsh mortification, and returned to his life of simple, ordinary prayer and charity.

As he resumed his task of helping the travelers, the hermit pondered the lesson he had learned: Big or small, heroic or ordinary... doing God’s will for the love of God is what makes our actions great.

The faithful hermit lived as he had been taught, and very quickly grew in great holiness.