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August 1, 2014
Hello dear Friend, Almost two thousand years ago, Jesus hung suspended over a world that was enslaved in sin and misery by its own wretched choosing. Out of His Divine love for us - a love so incomprehensibly wonderful, real and true - Jesus suffered and died horribly for each and every one of us so that we might live forever with Him in the eternal happiness of Heaven. As He hung brutally nailed to that Cross, dying in the shameful appearance of the worst of criminals, Jesus could not stop thinking about His beloved human beings. In the midst of His unprecedented torments, approaching His most agonizing death to redeem mankind, He kept thinking and worrying about us. In His Divine knowledge of the future, Jesus already knew that most people would ignore all that He was doing for their salvation and eternal happiness. He saw how they would choose to live selfish and sinful lives - thereby denying themselves the opportunity to save their souls and be filled with Divine joy, peace and happiness forever in Heaven with God. And so Jesus, wholly focused on us, ignored His Own agonies and thought only about what He could do to help us with ours. From the depths of His incomprehensible love, Jesus had already given us Himself in the Most Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper. But as He approached His death, Jesus thought of what else He could bequeath to us. In His Divine generosity, Jesus gave us His most precious and greatest created treasure - His Own real Mother, Mary. Mary is the real Mother of God. She is the Co-Redemptrix of the human race and its first and greatest Mediatrix with Jesus. She is also the most powerful and majestic queen of Heaven and earth and all of creation. She is the most perfect creature that God will ever make, filled with the fullness of the Power of God the Father; the Wisdom of God the Son - sweet Jesus Christ - and the Love of the Holy Spirit. She is infinitely higher, greater and more perfect than all of the Holy Angels - indeed than all of creation - put together. She is all of this and so much more! But first and foremost, Mary is a mother : the Mother of God - Jesus Christ - and our mother as well. And it is especially for this role that God has made Mary - to be a true and real Mother for Jesus and then for all who call upon Her loving help, guidance and protection. And it is this aspect of Mary that I want to encourage you to get to know and love. Jesus is God’s greatest gift to everyone, and He is the only true and sure path to God, holiness, salvation and the unending happiness of Heaven. And Mary is God’s second greatest gift to everyone, and She is the only true and sure path to Jesus. Like a truly good, wise and loving mother, Mary forms us in the ways most pleasing to Jesus so that we will live as we should, and as we were created to live. In this way, we will become pleasing to God, our true Father, and save our souls forever when we die. So, for the next period of time, I will be giving little glimpses to you about Mary, Who is your most wonderful Mother, so that you can get to know Her more and better. We can only truly love someone to the extent that we truly know them. It is no different with Mary. So first I would like you to get a notebook. This will be to note down different spiritual things that you find helpful or inspirational. For example, as you read what I have to say about Mary, write in your notebook those thoughts or examples that seem to help you get to know Her better, or that help you desire to know and love Her more and better. Then spend a little time each day rereading these notes from your notebook. When you feel these holy desires, (or even when you do not), pray to Heaven that you do become Mary’s true child as much and as wonderfully as She desires. One day, you will be dead and your soul shall be in eternity. If you have lived to try to please Mary in everything that She asks of you, then you will forever be among those very blessed people in Heaven who enjoy a very real, personal and special love and relationship with God, Jesus and Mary. If, in this earthly life, we show Heaven that we truly desire to be among Their most loving children, then that is exactly what our eternal reward will be. And no one will ever be able to take that extraordinary joy and happiness away from us! We will really be a true member of Their personal family! To help you succeed in this, I want you to say three Hail Marys every day, starting today, that Mary forms you into one of Her (and God’s) most wonderful children ever. This also is asking Her to give you all the help you need to live as Heaven desires you to - so that you will truly be pleasing to God and Jesus and Mary. Also, it is good to help your Mother accomplish Her work as well. Good children seek to be helpful to their parents. One very important task that Mary has been given is to bring about the true conversion of the whole world - so that everyone and everything becomes what God desires and what would be most pleasing to Him. So, to show your Mother Mary that you do want to be Her good child, I want you to pray one Hail Mary every day, starting today, that Mary will immediately convert the whole world to become every good thing that God created it to be and what is most pleasing to Him. Then, offer some sacrifice every day as well and offer it up with your prayers. Sacrifices give great strength to our prayers. It shows Heaven that we are serious about what we are asking for and that we are even willing to suffer to help obtain it. So don’t forget about:
And lastly, when next you talk to Mary, please tell Her that Br. Michael Joseph and everyone at the Catholic Kingdom send Her their love! God bless you, my dear friend. Until next time then, I leave you in our Heavenly Mother’s loving arms. ![]() |