Before you download these images from the Catholic Kingdom, PLEASE READ AND ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING TERMS.

We are gathering sacred images of Catholic themes for you to enjoy, and to assist you with various devotions. You may also download these images for your own personal use. We invite you to encourage others to visit and download them as well. There are a few conditions if you want to download these images for your own use.

1) These images CANNOT BE SOLD IN ANY WAY OR USED FOR ANY COMMERCIAL USE. They are for personal use only. If, when you use our images, you will not make money in any way, then it is probably fine.

2) These images MAY NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY WAY. We have gone to a bit of work to provide these images for everyone and we would like these images to help bring more visitors to our website. Therefore we must insist that, however you use our images, the complete texts that we have added to our images must be present and visible.

If you can not, or will not, abide by these restrictions then, while you are free to enjoy looking at our images here, you may not download any of them. If you do not agree to our conditions, but download our images anyway, then you are not only committing a criminal act, but - and this is much worse - you would be committing a sin.

If you agree to our conditions then we hope that you will download many of our images. You can freely copy them and share them with others for free. You can use them on your computer, print them on paper, look at them to help you when you pray, use them to illustrate a school project, etc. Please use them however you wish as long as you do not make any profit from them and that our advertising texts remain visible and unaltered.

If you agree, then please proceed and enjoy.