A novena means that a prayer is said for nine days in a row, either in public or private. The very first novena was said by the Blessed Virgin Mary and the disciples. After Jesus ascended into Heaven on Ascension Thursday, Mary and His followers went to the room of the Last Supper and prayed for nine days. They prayed that God would send them the Holy Spirit. They prayed for nine consecutive days. After their novena was completed, on Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on them in tongues of fire. After that, they had the grace and strength to convert people to Catholicism. That day is traditionally considered to be the birthday of the Catholic Church. So pray as earnestly and fervently as you can for nine days in a row, for any intention you desire. Heaven has and continues to bestow many graces through this devout practice.
St. Anne St. Gerard St. Dymphna St. Michael
St. Therese St. Philomena St. Jude St. Joseph
Holy Spirit St. Anthony St. Rita