This image/media item has been created for the sole use of the royal treasury of the Catholic Kingdom. You are encouraged to download this image/media item and share it generously with others. There are a few things you need to remember in using these images/media items:

  1. These images/media items are copyrighted by Holy Family Press. While we permit the free copying and distribution of these items, Holy Family Press retains sole copyright. In no way whatsoever, should it be construed that anyone is receiving any type of copyright whatsoever regarding these images/media items. Regarding the downloading, copying and sharing of these images/media items we hereby give permission as long as the rest of the conditions are respected and obeyed.

  2. These images/media items may not be altered in any way. You are free to have them and share them with others but they may never be edited or changed in any way whatsoever.

  3. We want you to generously share these images/media items with others but they must be given away free. No one may charge any type of fee in exchange for these images/media items.

  4. These images/media items can only be used for personal use - they cannot be used in any way for a commercial use or purpose without our specific permission. If you would like to use any of these images/media items in this manner please contact us with the details so that we can determine if we want to permit it.

  5. Giving these images/media items to students - either in "normal" schools, home schools or CCD classes, etc. is permitted as long as they are distributed freely and unaltered/unedited.

  6. Whenever possible, please encourage whoever receives a copy of any of our images/media items to get on our and websites and give us a look. IF SOMEONE DOES NOT ALREADY USE THE INTERNET it is not necessary to encourage them to visit our site. While there is some bit of good on the Internet there are oceans of all kinds of evil and everyone - not just children - need to be strongly cautioned about getting on and using the Internet.

  7. Whenever possible, please encourage everyone who receives a copy of any of our images/media items to add everyone here at the Catholic Kingdom to their prayers. Everyone who receives a copy of our images/media items will be included in ours.

  8. May God and His Most Holy Mother grant great graces to all those who have, or will, visit the Catholic Kingdom or Holy Family Press! God bless you all.