Venerable Leo Dupont, or "the Holy Man of Tours", was an ardent follower and fervent promoter of devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus. He lived in France at the height of the 19th century - a time when all of France was bustling with story after story about the great priest of their country, the Curé d'Ars - St. John Vianney.

It seemed as if the entire nation poured itself into the remote, tiny village of Ars. Countless people flooded the Saint's parish, just to get a glimpse of that incredible man who spent his life caring for their souls.

Being one among thousands to hear of the marvels of Fr. Vianney, Mr. Dupont naturally came to have a deep respect for him. But it was not the extraordinary miracles that won his admiration - but the holiness behind them. After all, Leo himself had witnessed the power of God many times through miraculous cures and conversions obtained by praying to the Holy Face of Jesus. Leo was a man of great Faith. And it was this faith that filled his heart with a great desire to meet the simple parish priest whose love for God was renowned throughout France.

And so, Leo Dupont resolved to take a trip to Ars. His own duties were quite pressing, and his schedule was both busy and full. But this was the chance of a lifetime, and Leo Dupont eagerly looked forward to having just once a conversation with such a holy person as Fr. John Marie Vianney!

When Leo arrived at the little village, he made straight for the parish church. Once in sight of the humble building, though, his hopes sank. There was already a throng of people waiting just outside. So many, in fact, that they were arranged in double rows. As soon as a sound came from within that Fr. Vianney was coming, the people began to stir and press forward. With eager cries, they crowded the holy priest's path as he left his small church.

What a disappointment! Leo had made the journey specifically to speak with the good curé; and now he would barely catch a glimpse of him, as he helplessly watched the Saint slowly make his way through the pressing crowd.

Suddenly, St. John Vianney stopped. Many pilgrims tried to get closer at this unexpected pause, while some curiously watched him. There was a searching look in the priest’s eyes, as he glanced at the many faces around him. Then, without a word, Fr. Vianney slowly turned and looked in the direction where Leo was standing. Leo was glad for this and took advantage of the opportunity to get a good look at the holy man’s face. Then, for a moment, Mr. Dupont blinked in disbelief. The Curé d’Ars was staring right at him! Leo’s surprise grew to wonder, as he watched the Saint gently make his way towards him through crowd.

Naturally, Leo was caught off-guard, though quite affected. If he had had any words planned for this meeting, they had left him with one look at the holy man’s face. For on it was the kindest, warmest smile that Leo had ever seen. Although the two men had never before met in their lives, it was the smile of a dear and loving friend. Here was one of those moments of prophetic insight of the famous Curé d’Ars. The same Heavenly inspirations that had led him to the Holy Man of Tours, where now filling the Saint with an understanding of the soul before him and the destiny that awaited them both.

Still smiling, St. John Vianney joined his hands and, glancing up towards Heaven, said to Leo:

"O my dear friend, how sweet it will be to us to find ourselves in Heaven singing the praises of our God!"

No more words were exchanged in that happy encounter, brief though it was; the happiness and memory of which would remain with both of the holy men.

When Leo Dupont left Ars shortly afterwards, he realized that had not spoken with Fr. Vianney after all. But he didn't need to anymore. As he said later, when retelling the story himself:

"I needed nothing more," he recalled happily; "I withdrew contented, preserving in my heart the words of the holy curé."