After the men left, Mona was struggling with her conscience. She did not want to obey her husband because of her own deep fears, and disgust, of leprosy. On the other hand, she knew that a wife should obey her husband in all things but sin. So, after a while, Mona ventured to the door of the invalid’s room. Standing outside the door, her struggle rose to a fever pitch. Finally, by God’s grace - obtained through her husband’s prayers - she gathered up her courage and opened the door. Suddenly, she froze in her steps and her eyes grew very wide. Her fears had not prepared her for what she now encountered.

When she entered the room she could not help but notice that the room was filled with an odor … a very sweet, very fragrant odor. Confused, she left and shut the door. Mona then began to cry bitter tears of repentance for her sins - those against her husband and against the charity that God desires us to have for our neighbor.

At this moment, her husband was returning with his friend. They had purchased some tasty foods for their patient. Startled to find his wife weeping, Giovanni asked, "Why do you weep and how is our invalid?"

She told them as best she could through her tears what had happened, and the two men ran to her room. On opening the door, they too discovered the wonderful aroma and upon uncovering the bed, they found no one there! They suddenly realized that it had been Jesus Christ Who had shown Himself to them in the form of a despised and abandoned leper. They gave hearty thanks for such a great gift from God.

Mona, having seen for herself this extraordinary sign from God as to the great plans He had for her husband’s sanctity, set Giovanni free from the bonds of matrimony. "Go or stay, just as it pleases you, and give what you will for God; for I will never again oppose you in anything you would do."