Chapter 28

‘Shocked’ would be too mild an expression to describe the atmosphere of that room when Sir Reginald declared that Prince Philip had been rescued. Captain Martin was particularly affected.

“W -What?” he stuttered. “Where?”

“Tied in a sack down by the river.” The words were spoken in tones of irony and scorn. The captain’s pride was stung, but he was not convinced.

"How did you find him?"

"I didn't. It was Sir Authsville. He had a little help, though, from an obliging man who was trying to steal a boat. As a matter of fact, that is how Sir Authsville found him. Sir Authsville had us searching Fishersbrooke, of course, for the prince. He himself led a band of men along the outskirts of this village. They were just finishing their search, when one of his men heard some dogs barking in the distance." At this, Cunnel glanced angrily over at Valdigard, who purposefully turned away. Ignorant of this subtle exchange, Sir Reginald continued. "Hurrying to the scene, they discovered the cause of the commotion. The dogs were barking at a thief trying to take their master's boat. Sir Authsville arrived before much violence had occurred."

"But how do you know the thief had anything to do with Prince Philip?" Captain Martin interrupted. Sir Reginald gave him a look, more disappointed than annoyed.

"Captain, given the current situation, what other theory would you have for a strange man, clearly a foreigner, trying to steal a boat in the heart of a storm? But if you insist on evidence, by his own admission, among other things, the stranger is undoubtedly an Exthereon."

"What of the boy? Is he all right?"

The knight turned a quizzical eye to the hunter.

"Prince Philip, as I said, was found in the captivity of a different Exthereon. The thief we caught, hoping to save his own skin, betrayed their meeting location. It was near some tree by the river. Sir Authsville and his men, following him there, discovered this second foreigner with the prince bound in a sack. It wasn't long before Sir Authsville learned the whole story."

"But how is the boy?" Michael insisted. The knight turned to answer him, when Captain Martin interjected his own question.

“Where is Prince Philip now, Sir Reginald?” he asked.

“Due to our queen’s explicit orders, the prince is being returned to the castle immediately.” The reply clearly answered the Captain, but not the huntsman. The knight addressed this, interrupting Michael's repeated question with an abrupt and sharp response.

"His majesty, Prince Philip, was found completely unconscious. Even now, as they rush him to the castle, he is unaware of his rescue." The knight sent a piercing glance at the three men under arrest. "The young prince had better survive... if his captors even hope to."

The tone of the faithful knight was far more threatening than his words. One was led to believe that, if need be, he himself would carry out this threat.

The tense silence was interrupted by Captain Martin, who was still trying to piece everything together.

“If the prince is being taken to the castle - along with those Exthereons, I presume -" the captain addressed Sir Reginald, "Then what are you doing here?”

The knight’s armored glove patted his sword.

“Not only were the two men identified as Exthereons,” Sir Reginald said slowly. “But their leader was admitted to be under this roof.”

A hushed silence fell upon the group. It was broken with a tiny snap of the knight’s fingers and several other soldiers piled into the dirty room.

“My orders are to arrest him and his accomplices.” The knight explained. “And bring our men back home.”

Again, a guilty air hung over the quiet crowd. Several glances were exchanged amidst the soldiers. Holes were stared through the three captured men. Their tension increased in anticipation of the knight’s judgment. Cunnel, in particular, grew quite anxious as a drawn arrow approached his head.

“I didn’t do it!” The fisherman frantically pulled away from the men. “I had no part in it.”

“Then who did?” the knight asked skeptically. Michael and Valdigard watched the fisherman give them hurried looks. At this, Captain Martin spoke up.

“That man Hawkson is clearly a kidnapper, sir.” He pointed at the hunter. The knight turned to respond when another voice was heard.

“Yes,” Valdigard joined in. “He had the prince’s medallion.” This was news to the knight and the captain was quick to verify it. Valdigard continued addressing Sir Reginald.

“He was planning to sell the golden piece when things had settled down.”

“You also said that I had sold the prince to gypsies,” Michael pointed out, “And instead, he has been found with the Exthereons, as I described.” The foreigner turned sharply, when a sly grin lit his face.

“That is how they described themselves,” Valdigard shrugged. “But then again, you can’t expect that they would identify themselves as servants of the Exthereon Lord.”

“You also said they were heading east with the prince.” Michael continued.

“By river,” The dark prince explained.

“Why would they go east when Exthereous lies to the south?" the hunter insisted.

“They're not looking to bring the prince back to their country. You were planning to ransom him, correct?” Valdigard asked casually, suppressing a smile. He continued without pause for any response. "What better place to use this leverage than bringing the prince to the front battle lines. And everyone knows the war is raging in the east."

For a moment, Michael was shocked at this bold statement. The war being fought in the east! Now Valdigard's lies would be shown for what they were.

"No it isn't! Our king was headed south." declared the hunter. Valdigard only grinned. Then, to Michael's utter shock and dismay, he was answered by Sir Reginald.

"Actually," the knight began slowly, "The plans changed. They are fighting to the east." Sir Reginald's voice was solemn and his eye stern, as he now faced the hunter. Michael looked hurriedly at Valdigard. The prince's dark smile only broadened. He could sense the huntsman’s frustration. Michael was cornered.