The First Statue of Our Lady of Fatima

On October 13, 1917, Our Lady’s promised miracle, the miracle of the sun, changed tens of thousands of lives forever. Among the throngs of witnesses was Jose Thedim, a Portuguese sculptor.

After returning home, he set to work on the most important sculpture of his life. It was the first of its kind: a statue of Our Lady of Fatima, based in part on Lucia’s own written description!

A statue of Our Lady, as She had recently shown Herself, deserved a special place of prominence. There was nowhere more appropriate than within the shrine built at the very spot She had appeared in Fatima.

May 13, 1920 - the three year anniversary of Our Lady’s first apparition - was the date chosen to erect the new statue in the Cova shrine of the Apparitions.

Unfortunately, the godless government was bent on destroying all belief in the incredible miracle of the sun, despite the fact that it was witnessed by nearly 100,000 people over a 25 mile radius of the Cova!

The newspapers were filled with slanderous propaganda to drive people away from Fatima and the Catholic Faith in general. Despite all this, when the much anticipated day came, large crowds of people accompanied the Virgin’s statue to the Cova shrine. They wanted to witness and celebrate Her enthronement.

Within sight of the shrine, the people slowed to a sudden stop. A grim sight lay ahead. The holy building was surrounded by two regiments of Portuguese soldiers, armed with rifles and bayonets. The evil government was determined to stamp out the faith in their country. They would use force to succeed where lies had failed.

The multitude of unarmed pilgrims knew better than to fear. The memory of Our Lady’s incredible display of power, not even three years before, was burned into their souls forever. Filled with confidence, they followed Her message: they prayed the Rosary.

The soldiers stood in awkward silence before the throngs, who boldly intoned songs in honor of their Queen. The men tensed, gripping their weapons. The crowds were zealous. Would it come to blood? The government’s orders were strict. The faithful were to be dispersed. Yet, here they came, singing hymns…familiar songs to these soldiers, born and raised in a Catholic country.

Then, the unexpected happened. Once more, Our Lady displayed Her maternal love and power. This time, She moved something far greater than a sun in the sky. It was the souls of those soldiers, moved deeply by grace.

The faithful were astonished - and overjoyed - to witness the armed regiment step forward, not to hold the crowds back, but to join in the hymns to their Heavenly queen!

Triumphantly, the people moved forward, carrying the Virgin’s statue to the sacred shrine. Escorted by joyous shouts, Our Lady of Fatima was lovingly placed where She belonged. And to this day, this beautiful statue can still be seen in the Chapel of the Apparitions.