She told me Herself

During the life of a certain Fr. Jerome Carvalho, this admirable and humble servant of God had an intense dread of the suffering he would endure in Purgatory after he died. To expiate his sins as much possible, he would beat himself often and say numerous prayers every day. While these practices certainly were pleasing to God, Fr. Carvalho did not do them so much out of love, but more out of fear and a lack of confidence in the Mercy of God.

The poor man was convinced that all of his austere mortifications and prayers were not enough to save him from the brutal punishments which he was sure lay in store for him in the after-life.

However, he was blessed with a loving and true devotion to the Queen of Heaven; and She, for Her part, took pity on him. He had proven his fidelity to Her by his selfless and focused sacrifices. But still his poor soul was so terribly gripped with fear.

Her desire to relieve him of his dread was so strong that, one day, the Sweet Mother of God appeared to him. He was sincerely devoted to loving Her as Her child, but he did not yet trust in Her Love for him. Our Lady, however, gently assured him that She was a Mother of Mercy to Her dear children - both in Purgatory and on earth.

She gave him a peace which he had never known, and he wanted to share it with all that he could. So, henceforth, he spoke with people about the truth of Her Loving Mercy towards those who strive to be Her children. In his zeal, he let slip these words:

"She told me this Herself."