Hugette’s Aunt

This occurred during the year 1629, at Dôle, the contemporary capital of Franche-Compte, a far east region of France.

A woman named Hugette Roy was confined to bed because of inflammation of the lungs, which endangered her life. The physician considered it necessary to bleed her. But unfortunately, he made a terrible mistake and awkwardly cut an artery in her left arm. This quickly brought the poor woman close to death.

The following day, at dawn, Hugette was alone in her room. Suddenly she saw a stranger enter. The stranger, dressed in white, was a young girl, with a very humble disposition. She asked if Hugette was willing to accept her services and be nursed by her. The sick woman was delighted with the offer, and answered that nothing could make her happier.

At this answer, the girl immediately went to the chamber fireplace. Once a fire was lit, she approached Hugette, and gently helped her get into bed. She then continued to stand by Hugette and serve her like the most devoted nurse. Hugette’s gratitude speedily became wonder, as she felt greatly relieved of her pain, simply by the touch of the unknown girl’s hands! So incredible was her healing touch, that the dying woman was soon entirely cured.

At this point, Hugette was determined to know who this kind stranger was. The girl was still in the room when Hugette called her over. The cured patient wanted to ask questions, and learn the whole truth about this girl. But the mysterious young lady turned and left, saying that she would come back in the evening.

In the meantime, the story of Hugette’s sudden cure was spread all over Dôle. In less than 24 hours, this mysterious event was the talk of the town. Everyone was torn between amazement and curiosity. Just who was this extraordinary girl that saved Hugette’s life? It seemed that everyone else was in just as much suspense as she was as she waited for her strange young nurse to return.

When the unknown visitor returned in the evening, she told Hugette the simple truth.
"Know, my dear niece, that I am your aunt, Leonarde Collin, who died seventeen years ago, leaving you an inheritance from my little property. Thanks to the Divine Goodness, I am saved. And it was the Blessed Virgin, to Whom I had great devotion, Who obtained this happiness for me. Without Her I was lost.

"When death suddenly struck me, I was in the state of mortal sin. But the merciful Virgin Mary obtained for me the grace of perfect contrition, and thus saved me from eternal damnation. Since that time I have been in Purgatory, and Our Lord permits me to finish my expiation by serving you during fourteen days.

"At the end of that time I shall be delivered from my pains if, on your part, you have the charity to make three pilgrimages for me to three holy sanctuaries of the Blessed Virgin."

The astonished Hugette did not know what to think. The incredible story was just unbelievable! She doubted that this apparition was really her aunt and from God at all. Instead, she feared that it was a trick of the devil and so she consulted her confessor, Fr. Antony Roland, a Jesuit priest. He advised her to threaten the unknown person with the exorcisms of the Church.

When threatened, the girl was not disturbed. She peacefully said that she did not fear the prayers of the Church, and she explained why, "They have no power except against the demons and the damned - none whatsoever against souls who are in the grace of God as I am."

Hugette was not yet convinced, and asked frankly. "How can you be my Aunt Leonarde? She was old and worn, disagreeable and fanciful - while you are young, gentle, and caring."

"Ah, my dear niece," replied the apparition, "my real body is in the tomb, where it will remain until the resurrection of the dead. This one which you see is miraculously formed from the air - to allow me to speak to you, to serve you, and obtain your prayers. As to my irritable disposition, seventeen years of terrible suffering have taught me patience and meekness. Know, also, that in Purgatory we are confirmed in grace, marked with the seal of salvation, and therefore free from all vice."

After such an explanation, Hugette was no longer in doubt. Astounded and grateful, she joyfully received her aunt’s services during the designated fourteen days. No one but Hugette could see and hear Leonarde, who would come at certain hours and then disappear. Before the fourteen days were over, Hugette felt strong enough to fulfill her aunt’s request. She devoutly made the three pilgrimages as she had been asked.

At last, the time of expiation was complete, and Aunt Leonarde appeared for the last time to announce her deliverance from Purgatory. She was in a state of incomparable glory, brilliant as a star, and her face shining with most perfect happiness.

Leonarde thanked her niece with all of her heart. She promised to pray for Hugette and her whole family. The last help the loving nurse gave her dear niece was a bit of wise advice to never forget. Its worth was priceless, as it had come from someone who had seen both sides of life:

"Even amid the sufferings of this life, always remember the purpose of your existence - which is the salvation of your soul!"