Too Much for Mary?

St. Alphonsus Liguori relates in his beautiful book, The Glories of Mary, the following true story that happened during the life of the holy nun, sister Seraphina da Capri.

Once, during a Novena for Our Lady’s Assumption, this good sister was praying to the Blessed Virgin. As she prayed, she was filled with a zealous fervor, and impulsively begged Our Lady for the conversion of a thousand sinners. But then Sister Seraphina stopped, realizing what she had just prayed for. One thousand sinners converted? Because of a simple prayer to Our Lady? Certain that she was asking too much, she began to doubt her prayer, fearing that it was far too impossible.

But as she was still thinking, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared. Her face was very serious. She rebuked the sister for her unfounded doubt, saying:

“Why do you fear? Am I not powerful enough to obtain for you from my Son the salvation of a thousand sinners? Behold them, I have already obtained it.”

The sister then saw before her an immense crowd of souls - the souls of former sinners who had deserved hell. They had been converted and saved by the the Blessed Virgin Mary’s intercession and were already in Heaven.

It was, no doubt, an unforgettable lesson - well learned and deeply treasured.