A Gravestone Inscription

A traveler was passing through a churchyard cemetery when the following epitaph on a superb sepulchral monument met his eye.

"Here lies the remains of N. N. He died at the age of ninety years, but only lived three years."

The stranger could make nothing of this singular epitaph, and asked the sacristan at the Church what it meant. The man replied "The individual who is buried there led a wicked life for eighty-seven years. But for the last three years, before he died, he had the fear of God before his eyes and lived accordingly. On that account, when on his deathbed, he desired that those words should be inscribed on his tombstone."

The traveler, deeply moved, continued on his way. He left - but with a more thoughtful and grave expression than when he'd come, pondering no doubt that simple fact that many, and sadly most people, while physically 'alive' are in reality - in their soul - dead.