A Mother for All

The holy virgin St. Teresa was blessed with a good and virtuous mother, who taught her early to love the Blessed Virgin and practice little devotions in her honor. She was not quite twelve years old, however, when her mother died, and, as the little Teresa had loved her tenderly, she was almost inconsolable at her loss. In the midst of her affliction, she threw herself before an image of our Blessed Lady, and begged her, with many tears, now that her earthly mother was taken from her, to be a mother to her in her stead.

This act of St. Teresa, preformed in all fervor and simplicity of childhood, drew upon her the special love and protection of Mary; and the saint assures us that she never recommended herself to her Heavenly Mother without experiencing her help.

Let us imitate this holy virgin, and, having chosen Mary for our mother, let us pray to her with a lively confidence, love her with filial tenderness, and honor her by good and innocent lives.