The Passion in Her Heart

St. Clare of Montefalco (1268-1308) was a mystic, and known for miracles during her life. Perhaps one of the most incredible miracles about her was discovered only after her death.

She had once told her nuns: "If you seek the cross of Christ, take my heart; there you will find the suffering Lord."

After she died, they felt inspired to take those words literally. The deceased saint’s heart - which was exceptionally large - was removed from her body and cut open…revealing an amazing sight!

Cardial tissues and nerves formed tiny symbols of the Passion! These miraculous images include a crucifix, about the size of a thumb. The white figure of Christ is distinctly formed - even down to a tiny red gash for the Wound in His side.

Then there are the various instruments of torture: a Scourge with knobbed ends; the Column with the cord that bound Him to it during the scourging; the Crown of Thorns and three Nails - these tiny figures in her heart have very sharp ends; and finally, the Sponge of gall on a stick, and the Lance. All of these details were manifested by the various and unusual sizes, colors and shapes of the nerves within her heart.

During her life, St. Clare of Montefalco had a vision in which Christ told her "I have sought a place in the world where I might plant My cross, and have found no better site than your heart." While poetic in tone, these words primarily had a spiritual significance for the saint and the sufferings she would share with Jesus in her life. But Our Lord desired, in her case, to show an additional demonstration of His power and attention down to the smallest of details.

Thus, the loving devotion she had to her suffering Savior was rewarded by a literal, miraculous manifestation of it! Her incorrupt heart can still be seen today in the church of the Augustinian convent in Montefalco, Italy.