Bandit in the Woods

Many people taking the path through the woods would barely notice a nearby bush. Why pay any attention to it? But traveling was a dangerous business. To ignore your surroundings could mean sudden death. Armed robbers hid by the roads, watching and waiting for the chance to attack, even murder, passing travelers so as to steal their belongings.

This time of year was particularly ripe for such robbers. A merchant, on his way home from the yearly market, would be sure to travel along this road through the woods. Not far from the road was a bush. Behind this bush hid a robber, revolver in hand, waiting for the merchant to pass.

Several hours went by, with no sign of the merchant. But the loot the bandit hoped to steal would be worth waiting all day for! Finally, he heard footsteps! He braced himself, ready to shoot at any moment. He glanced out from his hiding place…unprepared for what he saw.

It wasn’t the merchant at all! It was a priest, carrying the Blessed Sacrament, preceded by an altar boy carrying a lighted candle and a bell. Perhaps the Holy Eucharist was being brought for some sick person… or as Viaticum to someone who was dying.

At that moment, it was the bandit’s sick soul that was the focus of Jesus’ great healing power.

The man was struck deeply at seeing the Eucharist, and was suddenly filled with such remorse for his crimes that he followed the priest, and made his confession.

When this was done, the priest said solemnly but kindly: "See, my son, you need not fear that Christ will reject you. Since you would not go to Him, He came into the woods to you. Do penance, and from this time forward amend your ways."

The robber’s change of heart was true and lasting. He was never the same, and he atoned for his past life by works of penance and charity to the poor.

This touching story is one example among many showing that we must never give up hope in praying for the conversion of sinners. We never know how or when grace will touch anyone.