A Family of Heroes

In the history of Japan is told the touching story of the Catholic family of Titus, his wife, Mary, and their three children: two sons and a daughter. At that time, the emperor hated the Catholic religion, and issued a decree against it.

He was soon informed that Titus and his whole family were Catholics who refused to renounce their religion. So he commanded Titus to be brought to him.

When Titus stood before him, the emperor said in frustration, "You know that a decree has been made in this kingdom for everyone to profess the religion which I profess, and to adore the gods which I adore, and that those who refuse to obey this command are to be put to death."

Titus answered, "Sire, I know that is your command. But there is a King in Heaven Who is your Master as well as mine, and Whose decrees we are both bound to obey. Now, it is His command that we worship and serve Him alone. So I will obey Him, and nothing - not even death - will make me or my family fail in our duty towards Him."

Hearing this, the emperor angrily ordered,
"Go home for now. In a little while we will see how vain and empty all your boasting is."

The next morning, at daybreak, a messenger was sent from the palace to the home of Titus and Mary. As per the emperor’s orders, their youngest son was taken from them and brought to the palace. If the child refused to renounce his Faith, he would be put to death.

Two days later, the messenger returned with the news that the boy had been executed. Now the emperor’s servant was here to take the boy’s sister. She would face the same trial.

Over a short period of time, Titus watched his dear family taken from him one by one, until even his wife Mary was led to her death. The pain of losing them was softened by the hope that soon he would be joining them in Heaven. And sure enough, it was not long before the emperor summoned Titus to the palace.

Titus couldn’t wait to be with his family again - this time in Heaven - and begged to be executed at once. The emperor was surprised at such a request. Still, he stubbornly tried to bribe and threaten Titus to worship pagan idols. At length, the emperor finally realized how useless all his efforts were.

Waiting for his death sentence, Titus was surprised to see the emperor’s demeanor unexpectedly changed. The cruelty in his eyes was gone and there was no anger in his voice as he said,

"Titus, your heroic faithfulness to your God deserves to be rewarded, even in this world."

The emperor turned and whispered to the officer next to him. Titus watched as the officer obediently left the room. No explanation was offered, and the odd silence was only broken when the soldier returned into the emperor’s hall. Behind him was a sight that stunned the Catholic prisoner: It was Titus’ wife and children - alive and unharmed!

An enthusiastic and heartfelt reunion ensued as Titus and his family burst across the room into each others’ arms!

"O my wife! My dearest little ones! Am I really seeing you again? O my God! Thank You for restoring them to me even now!"

Those witnessing this scene were moved to tears. Even the emperor himself had to make great efforts to conceal his emotion as he spoke,

"Titus, you told me that you were the servant of the God of Heaven. Now you have proved it. Return to your home; take your wife and your children with you. And let no one from this time forward persecute you in the practice of that religion which has made you all so many heroes."