The Power of Patience

A certain monk received a message from a long time friend. This friend was dying, and wanted to see him again. So the monk immediately left his desert cell and set out for Alexandria, where his friend lived.

This great worldly city though was filled with pagans who hated the Catholic religion. Once the monk entered Alexandria, he was easily recognized by its inhabitants. One look at his poor, but distinct clothing and the people knew that he was a Catholic monk. So they openly mocked him. Some went so far as to strike him, and abuse him in many other ways.

But the good man passed on without uttering a word of complaint, and bore all patiently for the love of God.

Some of them called after him in mockery: "Did Jesus Christ ever work a miracle?"

A man passing by, who was a Catholic himself, said to the pagans:

"Yes, Jesus Christ did work many miracles. But even if He had not worked any, the behavior of this holy man is enough to prove the truth of the Catholic religion. What greater miracle could you want to see? You have insulted and abused this good man because he is a disciple of Jesus Christ, and yet he has endured it all without a murmur. Amid all your cruel words, he has never uttered a word of reproach."

These words silenced the people. They were ashamed of what they had done. And some of them, touched by the meekness of the good monk, were led to believe in God, and to renounce forever the errors of paganism. And so the goodness of this faithful follower of Christ was rewarded.