Saved by Those She Freed

Saint Leonard of Port Maurice relates the following incident to show how much we ourselves can benefit by praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

There lived in Rome an unfortunate woman who led a very sinful life. But for all her faults, God knew a part of her that He could touch. She had the grace to have enough compassion for the souls in Purgatory that she had a Mass offered for them every single day.

Then one day, like so many others in her life of sin, she was about to yield to temptation. Suddenly, her heart was pained at the thought of offending God. For the first time, she felt such remorse for her life that she had a strong desire to do penance - to make up to God for all the pain she had caused Him.

She went straight to the church, where she made a general confession of her whole life, shedding tears of sorrow. Her life had changed forever.

With perseverance and prayer, she was not the same woman anymore. She lived a better life, and died peacefully.

She used to say:

"Had it not been for my charity to the souls in Purgatory, I would have lived and died in sin, and have been lost forever."

The Poor Souls in Purgatory are very powerful, and very grateful for any help they get. When we intercede for them, they gladly return the favor for us and for everyone that we pray for. The more we do for them, the more they can do for us.

So in this time of great need - in Purgatory and on Earth - let us do our best to be generous in our prayers and sacrifices. In this Holy Season of Lent, it will give Jesus and Mary great consolation if we remember in a special way the Poor Souls in Purgatory. What better way for these souls to celebrate Easter than by enjoying the happiness Heaven!