Joy at Death

A certain missionary lay worn out on his deathbed. His duties in the service of God and salvation of souls had been laborious and painful. Yet as he lay dying, those who came to visit him were awed by his patience and serenity.

When asked why he could be so calm and happy, the missionary answered that he had once read, long ago, of someone who had desired very much to die. The reason for so strange a wish? The missionary still remembered what he had read so long ago: "That man wished to die because he was anxious to see certain famous heroes of whom he had heard."

Looking back at his visitors, the missionary explained his answer: "Now, how much more should I rejoice when I see the hour of death coming, since I am going to see my Divine Savior and His holy mother Mary, and all the angels and Saints in Paradise!"

The dying man turned towards Heaven with a hopeful joy: "O my God, what a beautiful thought! When I enter Heaven I will see Jesus Christ and all His Saints, and be forever happy in their company."

The purpose of this life is eternity - choosing now how we will spend forever. Striving to go to Heaven - living our lives to know, love and serve God - changes death from an unavoidable enemy to a welcoming portal to everlasting life! Knowing that a day will come when we will see God face to face - puts life in a whole new light. It gives us something to truly look forward to and live for! Far greater than meeting any celebrity on earth, we will see God and all His Saints - the finest of humanity! We will be face to face with all our amazing Heavenly friends who have looked after us our whole lives - even if we weren’t aware of it - doing everything to guide us safely to Heaven.

Jesus says that all the Angels in Heaven rejoice over one repentant sinner. Imagine the joyous celebration that takes place when someone not only repents but joins the blessed in Heaven for all Eternity!