Is Anybody Watching?

All Roman Catholics are called by God to spread the One True Faith throughout the world. As Christ was ascending into Heaven He said, "Go, and make disciples of all nations." Few Catholics believe that they can convince someone to enter the Church by their words, but all Catholics are always "Evangelizing" by their behavior. Being a Catholic is not something that begins when we enter Church on Sunday and ends when the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is over. Being Catholic is a constant state of being, in every moment of our life until we die. We never know who is listening to us or watching what we do. We won't know until we are dead the good that we did without knowing it by trying to live a devout Roman Catholic life. But we also won't know until we die the damage we have done if we don't. Of course, then it will be too late. Read carefully the following true story.

Pope Saint Pius V had convinced a Protestant to enter the One True Church, and was preparing him for Baptism. One day, the man was attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass but, unfortunately, the Catholics that were present showed great indifference and even irreverence. Tragically, the Protestant was shocked and he went away. He angrily stated : "No. Catholics do not believe in the Mass : they don't believe in the Real Presence : if they did, they would behave differently in the presence of God." And he remained a Protestant.