A Saint's Devotion to the Holy Family

St. Jane Frances de Chantal was the spiritual daughter of St. Francis de Sales. Together, they founded the Order of Visitation Nuns. Apart from its holy founders, this Order is most famous for St. Margaret Mary, the nun to whom Our Lord appeared to spread devotion to His Sacred Heart.

St. Jane de Chantal had a very deep devotion to the Holy Family. She wanted to have a constant, daily reminder of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Nowadays, some people wear a locket, containing a picture of a loved one. This way, the memory of the loved one remains ever-present to them. Similarly, St. Jane found a small picture of the Holy Family, and wore it around her neck.

"It is good to carry our friends around with us." The saint used to say.

When she was troubled, she would press this picture against her heart. This was her way of reminding herself that the Holy Family was with her. This consoling truth helped to bring her peace.

St. Jane was not content unless the three members of the Holy Family were shown together. She did not like the idea of them being separated from each other. If she saw a picture that showed one of them alone, she always wanted to place it next to a picture of the other two.