Don't Abuse My Father!

Nowadays, when people need to get somewhere and cannot drive there themselves, they'll often pay a bus or a cab to take them there. A couple hundred years ago, people did the same thing - but instead of automobiles they would ride in a horsedrawn carriage.

On one such occasion, a gentleman stood in need of a cab and called on a carriage. His destination was some distance away and, as they drove along, the driver became impatient and lost his temper with his horses. Unfortunately, he was in the bad habit of taking the name of God in vain when he got angry. The gentleman riding in the carriage, hearing the driver's profane language, called up to him.

"Look here," he said "you must stop swearing in that way. I will not have my Father abused!"

The driver stopped short. He was taken very much by surprise at this remark. He didn't even know this gentleman, much less his father. Quite confused, the driver asked him what meant by saying he had abused his father.

"God is my Father," was the simple and earnest reply, "as well as yours. This cursing and swearing is an insult toward God, and in uttering those blasphemies you insult my Father. I will not allow it."

The driver sat in thougthful silence. He'd never thought about it that way before. Muttering a few words of apology, he drove on. The unusual rebuke of the good gentleman had made quite an impression on him, and for the rest of the trip there was not a single profane word - as the driver strove to respect not simply the wishes of his companion but, more importantly, the Name of his Heavenly Father.