The Purpose of Life

There was once a holy Benedictine nun by the name of Mechtilde, who lived in the country of Germany in the 13th century. This woman, who is indeed a Saint, was favored by God with many mystical experiences and revelations. On one occasion, this Saint received from Our Lord a vision of the glory of Heaven. Her heart immediately began to overflow with an ardent desire to join the blessed in Heaven and participate in their happiness. As she wished for the hastening of that day when she could call this joy her own, Mechtilde heard a voice which sounded from vast multitude of Heaven.

"O thrice happy, you who still live in the world, because it is in your power to increase your glory and your merit for ever. If men did but know how much they might increase their merit ever day, they would never awake in the morning without their hearts being filled with gratitude to God for His goodness in giving them another day in which they might increase their glory for Heaven, their eternal home. This thought alone ought to be sufficient to strengthen them in all their difficulties and trials, and to give them courage to lead a mortified life, since each one of these things is of so much avail for them in eternity."

This message from Heaven has been repeated many times in the lives of the Saints. St. Teresa of Avila, for example, appeared to one of her nuns and proclaimed that she was willing to endure the greatest trials and pains until the end of time if it could increase her glory by one particle. These words might confuse us, but we need to understand that glory in Heaven is primarily the degree, intensity and purity of our ability to receive the Divine Love of God, return it to Him and share it with everyone else in Heaven. So what this message from Heaven is reminding us of is that we are on this earth for one reason only and that is to save our soul.

We save our soul by knowing, loving and serving the True God - the Most Holy Trinity - as members of His One, True Church - the Roman Catholic Church. But, as God has revealed to us, "every man will be rewarded according to his works." This means that everyone's level of reward in Heaven will be unique to each person. St. Paul reminds us, "Don't let anyone steal your crown." Not only is our eternal salvation our own choice, but how much happiness we will enjoy is also our own choice. Every day is filled with opportunities that, if we choose correctly and act accordingly, will bring us closer into union with God. We must not waste these opportunities. God, in His generosity, offers them to us today. We do not know if we will have a tomorrow. But it's our choice.