Buried Treasure

There once lived, in a certain town, two brothers who were both bachelors and very rich. Despite their grand home and vast wealth, they were not at all at peace. The reason for this was because it was a time of war in their country, and there was a great danger of being robbed by either the enemy or criminals taking advantage of the difficult times. So, in the face of this adversity, many inhabitants of the town sought to move their money and valuables to safe places where thieves would not be able find them. Being very rich, the two brothers decided to do the same thing.

So one quiet night, the men went out to find a place to bury some of their treasure. They did not want it to be too far from their watchful eye, so they simply went into their own garden behind their large home. After a careful search, the two brothers at length agreed upon a good spot and promptly began to dig. When ready, one of them carefully placed a large jar filled with gold into the fresh hole. Then, as quietly as they could, they covered it back up and pressed the dirt firmly down. Satisified with their work, the two brothers silently returned to their house, certain and at peace that their money was safe and secure.

However, their secret task had not passed unnoticed. Little did the rich men suspect that - just next door - a man was sitting in his own garden. This neighbor of theirs was, unlike them, not wealthy at all. He was a poor worker who did not get much pay for his hard labors. He had a family to support and was very concerned for them. That was, in fact, the very reason why - that same evening - the poor man had gone out into the quiet night. Alone in his own garden, the man's thoughts too were of money - his own money, of which he had very little.

So as he sat there, seeking some peace amidst his anxiety, the worker heard a noise and some whispering. He went close to the hedge and peeped through to see what was going on. Imagine his surprise and intrigue as he saw his two neighbors digging a hole in their garden. With breathless focus, he watched the men bury their money and then go back into their house. And no sooner had they left, then the thought instantly came to the laborer how now he might become rich. For there, right before him, was buried treasure!

The poor man was filled with a feverish excitement. He could feel something strong suddenly swell up inside of him - almost forcing him to climb over the fence and quickly dig up the jar. Then a merciful grace touched him and his old catechism came to his mind.

"God has said, 'Thou shalt not steal'," he thought to himself. "And when I was a boy, my father said to me a hundred times, 'Honesty is the best policy.'"

But, as though answering, a voice whispered to him, "No one sees you. You will never be suspected. It will not take you long at all. Do not take all the gold; but even if you were to take it all, your neighbors would still be rich men, and you and your family would be comfortably provided for."

Fierce as the temptation was, the good man shook his head. "I know that God sees me, and He will be my judge one day. What would become of me if this theft were held against me? No. Better keep honest though poor. God will not abandon me."

His decision was final and the poor laborer went back into his house and lay down in bed. But he couldn’t sleep. Tossing and turning, he struggled against the wretched thoughts that plagued him. The whole night long he was continually harassed with strong temptations to steal the hidden gold. Finally, weary from the bitter fight, the man resolved to end this inner battle once and for all.

As soon as the sun rose and daylight streamed through his bedroom window, the worker got up, dressed himself, and went straight to his rich neighbors’ home. Summoning his courage and clinging to his firm resolve, he knocked loudly at the door.

When it was opened, the man came to the point at once. "I saw you last night burying your money in the garden," he told the astonished brothers. "That sight nearly made a thief of me. Will you have the goodness to dig up your money and hide it elsewhere, so that I may once more be at peace?"

The two men stood speechless. They were shocked and incredibly impressed by their neighbor's upright and honest behavior. They thanked him, and did as he asked. But their admiration and gratitude ran deeper than that. So, on account of this one act, the two brothers were determined to repay this man's goodness and obtained for him a new and better position of work. With this strong and stable support for his beloved family, the happy man discovered just how true his words were - God did not abandon him. He did, in fact, reward him.