The Emperor's Son

In the early ages of the Catholic Church, the Arian heresy was widely spread. The followers of Arius believed that Christ was the greatest and noblest of men. But they thought Him to be only a man - they denied that He is God. This heresy was condemned by the Council of Nicea, and the Council inserted the following clause into the Nicean Creed: (Christ is), consubstantial with the Father, (which means that He has the same Divine Nature as God the Father).

Unfortunately, during the surge of the Arian heresy, the Emperor Theodosius was in favor of the Arians. A Catholic bishop named Amphilochius went to speak with him. This bishop wanted to prove that refusing to pay divine honors to the Son of God is to rob God the Father of glory.

So the bishop asked to have a meeting with the emperor. He also requested that the emperor’s son, the crown prince should be present as well. When the bishop arrived in the royal palace, he bowed low before the emperor, greeting him with the greatest respect. But standing again, he then merely nodded his head to the prince, saying, "Good morning, sir."

The emperor was highly incensed, and standing up, he insisted that proper respect be shown to his son. With great composure, the bishop calmly responded, "You see, mighty Emperor, that you will not permit your subjects to refuse to pay your son the respect which is his due. So likewise is God the Father displeased when we withhold divine honor from His only begotten Son. No, He requires us to pay Christ the same homage as we pay His Father."

Then bishop them greeted the imperial prince in the most respectful and gracious manner.

The emperor was quite struck by this experience and good bishop’s words were taken to heart. Emperor Theodosius renounced his error of Arianism, and from that time forward he embraced the Catholic Faith in its entirety.