The Convert & the Queen

Saint Denis, also known as Dionysius, lived during the early days of the Catholic Church. He was converted from paganism by St. Paul when the Holy Apostle preached in Athens, Greece. St. Denis later became a bishop and spread the Catholic Faith in Gaul (France). Much of his missionary work was especially in the area of what is known now as Paris. For this reason among others, St. Denis is the Patron of this city - France’s capital. He is also one of a group of Saints known as the ‘Fourteen Holy Helpers’, a set of fourteen saints that are greatly effective in helping with various needs. St. Denis is called upon to particularly assist against headaches.

After St. Denis’ conversion, he became a disciple and close friend of St. Paul. Over time, St. Denis began to know many of those who had been with Jesus. He met St. Luke, one of the four evangelists, as well as St. James and even St. Peter himself. He wrote to comfort and encourage the exiled St. John the Evangelist. In his letter, St. Denis prophesied to St. John saying, “You will be released from your prison in Patmos. You will return to the land of Asia, and, by imitating the goodness of God in your life, will hand down an example to those who will live after you.”

And while St. Denis was blessed to know these amazing saints, one of the most impacting moments of his life was centered around someone else. For the new convert, it was an unforgettable experience when St. Paul introduced him to none other than the Blessed Virgin Mary Herself.

When St. Denis first saw Jesus’ Mother, he was amazed. Everything that St. Paul had told him about Her, to prepare him for this important meeting, paled in comparison to actually seeing Her in person. Nearly overwhelmed by the presence of God’s most perfect creature, his soul was instantly filled with a deep love and respect. Never in his life had ever met such a person - and one that was so filled with virtue, love, and goodness! St. Denis afterward told St. Paul that if he had not known that Jesus Christ was God, St. Denis would have believed that Mary was a goddess, for he felt that he was in the presence of the Divine.

We see from this powerful testimony of someone who spoke with the Blessed Virgin face to face how true are the inspired words of Mary in the Magnificat, “My soul does magnify the Lord.” St. Denis was able to witness the incredible and unique union that Mary has with God. He experienced what we pray every day in the Hail Mary, when we reflect on how Mary is filled with the goodness of God: “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee.”