St. John Vianney and the Dangerous Dance

St. John Vianney (1786-1859) is the patron saint of all parish priests and the following story is a sample of the extraordinary gifts that he possessed to guard his flock. His was a small and poor parish in Ars, near Lyon in south central France. Pilgrims came great distances and suffered many hardships to experience this simple priest known for his great sanctity, especially his humility. As he grew in holiness he obtained many gifts particularly helpful in the shepherding of human souls. He could read the hearts of people and often knew events of their life that lay hidden. As more and more came to him, hoping for his extraordinary councils, his days in the confessional grew longer and longer until they were regularly 10-14 hours without a break. One day, a young lady came to confess hers sins to him and he had to remind her of a dance she had attended. At the dance was a very fashionably dressed and handsome young man who spent the entire night dancing with every young woman - except her. The young lady admitted that this was true and added that she had felt very jealous and humiliated because she was not selected by him as well.

The Saint then said: "You were hurt because this handsome, well-to-do young man had not danced with you. My dear, you should be filled with the deepest gratitude toward the Mother of God, our dear Blessed Mary ever Virgin who has so wonderfully and miraculously protected!"

The startled young penitent stuttered, "Why, whatever do you mean, Father?"

"My dear child", the holy priest responded. "that man was in reality a demon from hell and danced with every girl in serious sin. He kept away from you because you alone were wearing the Brown Scapular of Our Lady!"