The Power of Mary

When Saint Francis de Sales was leading a most holy life as a young student in Paris, he suddenly lost all feeling of devotion and fervour, and found himself beset by an overpowering temptation to despair. He had always loved God with his whole heart, and now he felt doomed to hate and curse the same God for all eternity. His friends, unaware of the cause of his sadness, tried in vain to distract and console him.

After a month of utter misery he entered the church where he had vowed his virginity to God. He took up a tablet which hung at our Lady's altar. It contained the words of the prayer The Memorare (Remember, Oh Most gracious Virgin Mary… ). These words gave him new courage and he begged of Mary the grace to love God at least in this life, if he could not do so in the next. He also begged that even in hell, if such might be his fate, he might not curse, but bless God’s Most Holy Name.

And as he prayed to his dearest Lady, the dark temptation melted away and the light of God's presence returned to fill his soul with peace.

How many people are there today who are miserable - driven to hopelessness and despair? That same powerful and loving Mother of God is waiting patiently to help them just as She did Francis.

The words that he read that gave him such confidence were: “…never was it known that anyone who fled to Thy protection, implored Thy help or sought Thy intercession was left unaided.” Literally millions of miracles of every type and necessity, wrought by the hands and Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, amply prove the truth of the words of this prayer. Do you need health or peace of body, mind, heart or soul?

Then fly to Her protection… implore Her help… and seek Her intercession… with complete confidence in your most loving Mother. You will not be left unaided.