The Purpose of Miracles

There is no better ruler for a country than a Roman Catholic King (or Queen) that is holy. One of the many royal Saints of the past was St. Louis IX (1215-1270), the King of France. His mother trained him very well to be a good and faithful Roman Catholic. She would often say to him, “Louis my son, SIN is the only real evil in the world. Though I love you very much, I would rather see you dead at my feet than see you commit one mortal sin!” At Holy Communion, his humility was strong and sincere as he approached the Sanctuary, crawling on his knees as he realized that he was approaching the Almighty God who had created him out of nothing. With groans and tears he would say the Confiteor (the prayer where we publicly recognize that we are sinners) and then receive Holy Communion with much love, respect, and devotion. One day, St. Louis was working in his study. There was exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the castle chapel at the time. All of the sudden, a servant charged into the study and shouted breathlessly, “Your Majesty, a beautiful miracle is taking place in the chapel. The Infant Jesus is appearing in the Host upon the altar!" But the king calmly kept writing. With out even looking up he simply replied, “I could not believe more firmly in Christ's presence in the Eucharist if I were to see a miracle! Miracles are not necessary for those who truly believe!”