The Justice of God

Once, there was a desert hermit who walked a long way to a spring for his water every day. Although the journey was very tiring, he offered it up cheerfully to please God and as a penance for his sins. One very hot day, the sun beat down on him as he carried his can of water. A devil came, laughing at him, and told him that it was all very foolish. “Why on earth go such a distance, and daily? It would be much smarter to just build a hut next to the spring.” The thought began to haunt the hermit until he decided, “I will not toil and weary myself for no purpose any longer. ” No sooner had he said this when he was surprised to hear a voice behind him. “One, two, three, four…”, as if someone was walking behind him, counting. Quickly he turned around and saw a fair youth dressed in a robe of golden light. “Be not surprised!”, said the youth. “I am your Guardian Angel, and I am counting your steps, that not one may pass unrewarded. ” and then he disappeared. The hermit immediately gave thanks to God for showing him that when we do anything, however ordinary, to please God, He rewards us very generously. Joyfully, he continued on and resolved to increase, not lessen, his walk to the spring.