May 15, 2011
Hello dear Friend,

I recently received one of the most common and important questions that a human being can ask themselves:

“What is our purpose on earth? Signed, Garret”

On the one hand, the answer is very simple: we are here to ‘know, love and serve Almighty God in this life so that we may happy with Him forever in the next life.’

In other words, we are here to work out our salvation - to save our soul. The sad truth is that most people do not. This conclusion has been stated by very many Saints, Fathers of the Church, Doctors of the Church, theologians, in the Holy Bible, in the Tradition of the Church and common sense. There are many ways to prove that this is true but doing so is not the purpose of this letter. For now, consider the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself :

“Enter ye in at the narrow gate (to Heaven): for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction (hell), and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!”
(St. Matthew 7: 13-14)

In fact, Jesus talked about hell far more than any other topic. And the Old Testament frequently echoes the reality that most human beings do not go to Heaven. Ignoring, or worse, denying this great Truth helps us in no way whatsoever. It is the work of satan to try to convince us that hell does not even exist! But if he can’t convince us of that absurdity, his next tactic is to convince us that “a loving God would never send anyone to hell’ unless they were uniquely evil. So we are to believe that almost no one goes to hell. This, sadly, is not the case and there are many answers and examples in this regard. But there is one passage in Holy Scripture that often goes by unnoticed; one that disproves the common misconception that one only has to be “nice” to get to Heaven. Heaven is a reward to be earned… but at what cost? What kind of struggle? The Holy Bible tells us in the gospel of St. Matthew:

And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent bear it away. (St. Matthew 11:12)

This means that those who do ‘violence’ to themselves will enter the kingdom of Heaven. Doing ‘violence’ means conquering themselves, overcoming the world, the flesh and the devil. It is a struggle - but God assures us that we are always given the grace we need to overcome every temptation. And we are allowed to ask for even more grace and help whenever we please. And we have our Guardian Angel and the other Holy Angels that are constantly helping us to know and do God’s Will. And we have St. Joseph and all the Holy Saints that are also filled with God’s love for us. They are always waiting to help us - but we must ask.

And finally, He gave us the two created things that He loves the most: His One and Only Bride - the Roman Catholic Church and His Most Holy and Wonderful Mother - the Blessed Virgin Mary. The True Church of Christ preserves for every generation what Jesus taught the Apostles regarding the doctrines we are to believe and the moral laws that we must obey. The Church also administers the Seven Sacraments to place us in a state of sanctifying grace or strengthen us in it. Those whose souls are in a state of sanctifying grace when they die will be saved.

And the other great gift of God’s Divine Mercy is His Own Most Loving Mother. She is more powerful with God than all the Holy Angels and Saints combined. She rushes to the aid of anyone who invokes Her help. And she has been the reason why most hardened sinners repented, confessed their sins and saved their souls.

So why did God create us? What is our purpose on earth? It is not to sample the things of this world to see what we want to have and to do. Our life is not our own to decide how we shall spend it. God has a specific purpose and path for every person who comes into this world. It is the responsibility of every person to discern what God wants them to do with their life, not what they want to do. But seeking God’s will is not limited to our life’s work. No! We need to be seeking God’s will in every aspect of every moment of our life. God is truly the most loving of Fathers. There is no element of our life so small, brief or insignificant that He is not deeply and genuinely concerned about. His concern is as deep as His love, which is Infinite and beyond human understanding.

If we want to save our souls - we must know God, so that we can Love God, which will give us the strength to serve God. I do not have the room here to discuss in greater detail how to accomplish this but I will touch on various ways in my other letters which you can read in my cell at the Monastery in the Catholic Kingdom. I will say this for now:

To get to know God, you must pray. The more and better you pray, the more and better you will know God.

To love God, you must suffer for Him and out of love for Him. In this life love is measured not by how much we enjoy the effects of love but by how much we are willing to suffer for the person that we love. God will send us trials and crosses to purify us and give us a chance to make reparation for our sins and grow in virtues. When these trials and crosses come, we need to offer them up to God, out of love for Him and then try to endure them patiently. The more and better that we do this, the more and better our love for Him will grow.

To serve God you must act, which is to say that you must try to obey Him at all times and in all things. His will must become your will. If you are sincere in accomplishing this, He will give you all the help you need to serve Him more and better.

Thank you again for being a part of the Catholic Kingdom. We are blessed to have you with us.

Until we speak again …

May Our Lord and Our Lady fill you, and all those you love, with every true peace, blessing and grace … now and forever.

Please keep everyone in the Catholic Kingdom in your prayers. Always. You are always in ours.

And let us pray that God fills each of us with the love that He desires us to have for Our Most Blessed Mother.

I remain your friend in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary,