To participate in our novena to St. Joseph, simply perform these three steps each day.

1st - Spend a few moments telling St. Joseph the intention(s) for which you are offering this novena to him. Start with your own, and then offer in a general way the special intention of the Catholic Kingdom as well as all of the intentions of the other participants of the novena.

2nd - Recite a Litany of St. Joseph (see link below)

3rd - Lastly, try to spend at least 5-10 minutes with St. Joseph. This can be done in any way you like, and even differently each day. The key is to have this quiet time where you talk to him and think of him, so as to help you get to know him better and to make him more real to you.

Having just prayed his litany, there are many different titles and qualities to choose from to think about.

Certainly speak to him in your own words. Tell him what’s on your mind, what you want his help for, etc.

Think about how he is there with you, listening and understanding everything you say, because he is and does!

You can also spend time with him by imagining yourself with him when he too lived on earth. It can be during an important event like the Flight into Egypt or during just an ordinary day at the workshop or home of the Holy Family.

Spend as much time as you can, as often as you can with St. Joseph - at least 5-10 minutes a day. But it can be more. For however much time you have, the goal is to have been with St. Joseph as you would a good friend: getting to know him, as well as sharing some of yourself with him. This to give both of you a chance to know each other more and better so that you can love each other more and better.

Don’t forget to thank St. Joseph for all of his help that he has given you and that he will give you. Heaven is always very generous to give more when people show that they are very grateful for what they have already received.