The Green Scapular

At last the day had come for Sister Justine Bisqueyburu. Today was January 28, 1840, the day of the great retreat. She had arrived at the convent of the Sisters of Charity November 27, 1839, but the retreat had ended a few days before so she had to wait. But now it had come again. The retreat would take place in the hall above the chapel where she was now, praying as she knelt in front of Our Lady’s altar. On Our Lady’s altar was a statue of Mary, which was commonly known as miraculous equally as much as it was known old.

Then while Sister Justine was praying, Our Lady appeared to her. She was wearing a long white dress which fell down to her bare feet, over her dress she wore a light blue mantle. She wore no veil though, and instead her hair hung loosely about her. In her hands, she held her heart and from the top of her heart flowed abundant flames. The Blessed Virgin had a loveliness that was heavenly which added to her beauty. The young nun was shown this vision at the end of the retreat, and still 4 - 5 times more on the main feasts of Mary during her time as a postulant.

After she made her vows, she was then sent to teach at Blangy. On the feast of the Nativity of Mary September 8, 1840, soon after she had arrived, Our Lady appeared to her in the manner that she usually did. But this time she was holding her heart in her right hand and in her left she held a scapular. The scapular consisted of a simple piece of green material which was rectangle in shape and was hanging from a green string. On one side was an image of Our Lady the way she had appeared the first and other times to her. On the other side of the scapular was a picture of her Immaculate Heart all ablaze and transparent as crystal, with rays pouring out that were brighter than the sun. The heart was surmounted by a golden cross and was pierced with a sword. The heart was encircled by an inscription in the form of an oval which read: "Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death".

While seeing this, a voice inside of Sister Justine told her that God wanted to establish in the world a more tender and confident appreciation and love of His Blessed Mother through the devotion of her Immaculate Heart. When invoked under this title and through this holy image, Our Lady would obtain great favors from her Divine Son - especially in the areas of physical health, peace of mind and spiritual conversion. She, who is the Refuge of Sinners, would especially obtain the conversion of those who had fallen away from the True Faith, or who had never possessed it.

Our Lady wanted copies of this new scapular to be made immediately and to be distributed with great confidence.

Sister Justine wrote to Sister Buchepot (her directress) of what she saw. Sister Justine had the most recent vision again on August 15 and September 18, 1841. Sister Buchepot wrote to Father Aladel about what Sister Justine had told her. But for some reason Father Aladel did not bother so much about the matter. Our Lady appeared to Sister Justine on May 13, 1842 and complained of the delay. Sister Justine wrote of this to Sister Buchepot who in turn wrote to Father Aladel. Sister Buchepot also asked him if she should write to Mr. Letaille the artist, which would now-a-days be called a printer. During this time, the bishop had been deciding whether or not these apparitions were from God. Finally, after much thought and prayer, the bishop gave his permission to distribute the new sacramental. Father Aladel told Sister Buchepot to write to Mr. Letaille.

Now the scapulars were able to be made. But they were given out as an experiment, a try out - only in small amounts and not with the confidence that Our Lady had requested. As a result, the miracles were little. The Blessed Mother appeared to Sister Justine during the year of 1846 and told her that she was not happy. Sister Justine wrote this to Sister Buchepot. The scapular was then printed faster, and given out with more confidence.

Our Lady however had never been clear about certain aspects of this new devotion. Questions needed to be answered. What circumstances were necessary to make the scapular effective? Was there a special blessing for it? Was there a ceremony for enrolling persons in its use? Were there any obligations for those who used it? Was the scapular for use only by certain groups of people or in certain situations?

To resolve these difficulties it was decided that Sister Justine would ask Our Lady herself what God’s Holy Will was in these matters. Our Blessed Mother’s response was given during an apparition on September 8th, 1846 - exactly six years after her initial request for this “Badge of the Immaculate Heart”.

According to Our Lady’s own words, we know the following requirements and purposes regarding the Green Scapular. As she herself said, this scapular is not like others (that is, it is not the habit of confraternity), but merely two holy pictures on a single piece of material. Therefore, no special formula is required to bless it or enroll someone in its use. It suffices that it be blessed by a priest and worn by the one whom we desire to benefit by Our Lady’s intercession. If, on the other hand, the person is unable or unwilling to wear it or carry it, it may even be slipped unknown to them in their clothes, bed, room, or possessions, etc. Our Lady of the Green Scapular has promised to be especially helpful when we pray to her for health of body, peace of mind, or the conversion and salvation of souls.

As to the prayers to be recited, there is only one that needs to be said and it should be prayed at least once a day. It is the prayer on the scapular’s back: “Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.”

If the person who needs Our Lady’s help does not say the prayer themselves, then someone else can say it in their place. The Green Scapular may be used anywhere, for anyone. The greatest graces are attached to its use; but, as Our Lady explained, these graces are more or less great in proportion to the degree of confidence of the person praying. This was the meaning of the different kinds of rays that fell from Our Lady’s hands at the last apparition.

The Church investigated the visions and approved the Green Scapular for the faithful to use. Immediately there were many miracles of all types, and so it continues to this day. Many “average” people experience extraordinary miracles of healing or conversion, like those you read about in the lives of the Saints. Mary is our most loving mother. Pray to her always with the greatest confidence, especially under the title of “the Immaculate Heart of Mary” and the image of her Green Scapular.