2nd Hierarchy

The second hierarchy consists of the choirs of the Dominions, the Virtues, and the Powers. It is through this second hierarchy that God particularly manages the affairs of mankind that He has created.

The Dominions: The Dominions are the first choir of the second hierarchy. They are especially filled with a zeal for the glory of God and His authority. They carry His orders and make known His will to the other angels and to mankind. They are completely devoted to seeing the interests of God fulfilled everywhere. What are the interests of God? They are (to name a few): the obedience, the love, and the worship that we owe to God; the respect, the reverence, and the love that is due to God’s most Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as all the Holy Angels and Saints; the conversion of sinners; the salvation of souls; the hastening of the releasing of the Holy Souls in Purgatory; the care of the Roman Catholic Church - God’s one true Church; and the teaching and defending of God’s truths and His laws. Pray to the Dominions, so that you too can help in seeing God’s interests fulfilled everywhere by everyone, and that they remind you to do everything for God’s greater honor and glory.

The Virtues: The Virtues are the second choir of the second hierarchy. They are given the task of doing the commands of God that he has given to them through the Dominions. They have been given tremendous strengths, like fortitude and courage. They are the controllers of all of nature, for anything that happens in the natural world around us is done by them. Most miracles are performed through them. Also, they are used by God to give His graces to mankind, which are most essential to us, for it is only through grace that any of us do anything good. Pray that the Virtues help you grow in your ability to do what is good and right every day.

The Powers: The Powers are the last choir in the second hierarchy. They are the representatives of the authority that God has over His Catholic Church, and also that which He has over all forms of civil government. They have received unlimited strength from God over all the forces of hell. This is probably why they have received the name of “Powers.” The Powers are also very smart, for they are supposed to discover the evil plans of the demons and stop them from happening. We should pray to the Powers to help defeat satan and his terrible followers throughout all of the world. Also, pray to them to protect you from temptations to sin; especially those temptations which are from the demons.