1st Hierarchy

The first hierarchy, which consists of the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones, is the closest one to God. Its choirs exist mainly to contemplate God in knowing, loving, and serving Him directly.

The Seraphim: The Seraphim are the choir closest to God. They are the most powerful of all of the angels. They are made to especially love God, and to inspire others to love God perfectly. Their love for God is described as “burning,” for it is so intense and perfect. They are used by God to “set us on fire” with love for Him and the things that He loves. The Seraphim are mentioned in the Bible, in the sixth chapter of Isaias. An Angel from this choir was sent by God to the prophet Isaias to purify his love for God and the truths of God. Ignited by the angel, Isaias was then strengthened to spread the word of God, and to warn the Jews to amend their ways. These angels have also been sent by God to many of the Saints to do the same thing. They have increased, purified and strengthened the Saints’ love of God and His truth. Pray that the Seraphim will also purify and increase your love of God every day of your life.

The Cherubim: The Cherubim are the next choir of the first hierarchy. They have been created to be especially filled with the wisdom of God. They understand clearly and intimately of God, His perfections, and His truths. They are also mentioned in the Bible, in the third chapter of Genesis. After Adam and Eve had been driven out of Paradise, a Cherubim was placed at the entrance to guard it. In the book of Exodus, God wanted images (statues) of Cherubim placed atop the Ark of the Covenant. They are also mentioned throughout the writings of the prophet Ezekiel. They also appear many times in the lives of the Saints, for as they are used to fill us with the knowledge of God, they filled the Saints with the wisdom of God. Pray that they also fill you with a knowledge of God and the things of God, for only after you know God will you be able to love Him.

The Thrones: The Thrones are the last choir in the first hierarchy. They are an interesting choir, as their name may suggest. The Thrones, you see, are created to proclaim the majesty of God. They are the “throne” that God “rests on.” What exactly does this mean? Well, an earthly king sits on his royal throne. There is no one else throughout the entire kingdom who has a chair like the king’s regal throne. For the king’s throne is designed to show everyone that he is a very important and powerful person. Everyone who sees the throne is reminded of the dignity and majesty of the man who sits in it. Since it’s the king who sits in the throne, it also reminds them of authority; that is, the authority of their king. The king also tends to sit on his throne when he is exercising his authority over his kingdom. So, we can see that a throne is not just a reminder of its owner, but it is also a symbol of the dignity, majesty, and authority of the ruler who sits in it. This is why the Holy Bible and many holy writers speak of God “sitting on His royal throne” when they are referring to the choir of the Thrones. They are also the special messengers of God’s judgments. Pray to the Thrones often, so that they too will remind you to respect and obey God as your king.